Drawing of Watt's steam engine From: Encyclopedia Britannica |
Certainly, there is a lot more to be said concerning the historic and social dimension. In this blog entry I would simply like to refer the reader to two historic documents.
The first one is the original paper of Carnot, who describes his famous Carnot-cycle and computes the maximum efficiency of a heat engine. Sure it is interesting reading for its own sake put I want to stress two things I found truly amazing: First, Carnot was quite certain that the things he was doing will change the world. In his own words: "Heat engines are destined to produce a huge revolution in the civilized world" - a bold statement but history proved him right. Second and this came as a real surprise to me: Carnot was not aware of the fact, that heat (or as he calls it: caloric) is simply energy stored in fast motional degrees of freedom. He still thought of heat as being some kind of strange fluid, always flowing from hotter to colder regions. But still, although having the wrong picture in mind, he still obtained the right conclusions! So again, (almost ;-) nothing to complain about.
The second historic document is simply James Watt's original patent. Maybe less scientific content, but simply fun to read, especially for its references to King George the Third.